RUBBER HEARTMy friend Alicia told me I had a rubber heart. Another relationship had ended/failed/sputtered out in a mad flurry of imagined slights,...
2016: The Year in GinsAt the end of 2015, I posted "It's been a hell of a year, yet as 2016 dawns I've never been more optimistic about where my life is...
One Year“Oh dear dad, can you see me now I am myself Like you, somehow” ~Pearl Jam, ‘Release’ A year ago today, I came home after running a...
Utah SunriseSunrise over the mountains outside of Salt Lake City, a sight so awe-inspiring that I audibly gasped upon reaching the top of Crater and...
#GinsAcrossAmerica: Love, Loss and the Great American Road Trip"In wildness is the preservation of the world." ~Henry David Thoreau The myth and the promise of the open road have held my fascination...